Sunday 14 December 2008


This is my work about Renfield: the description of the character and his role in the story.
R. M. Renfield is one of the characters of "Dracula". He’s a patient of Doctor Seward’s mental hospital because of his madness. He’s 59 years old, he has a sanguine temperament, great physical strength, he’s morbidity excitable. After Count Dracula’s arrival in England he begins to deteriorate and to have a very strange behaviour. In fact he uses sugar to catch flies, he uses flies to feed spiders, he uses spiders to feed birds and finally he eats birds. So he’s a zoophagus and often invokes a mysterious lord. In the story the protagonists understand a relationship between Renfield and Dracula: the mad is not a vampire but he wants to become that. Renfield’s variable behaviour is a sort of indication of Dracula’s movements in London.

Lapi Matteo

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