Sunday, 14 December 2008

Vlad III of Valacchia

Vlad III was born in Sighişoara,Valacchia, on 2nd November of 1431 and he was a Voivòda,a special rank of general in East of Europe of tha times, and also the prince of that territories.
Uder his domination he managed in keeping the indipendece by Ottoman Empire, so this actions won him the title of hero, on the other hand his cruelty won him the appellative of Ţepeş(that means the impaler).
He was imprisoned from 1462 after the treason of Mattia Corvino of Hungary and got back his freedom in 1475 thanks to Stephen the Great,but he had to marry Stephen's daughter, to change his religion, and to lead a crusade against the Turkish in the 1476,in which he found the death on the battlefield.

Vlad III was also known as Drăculea and as The Tepes.
The first refers to Vlad II,the father of Vlad III, who was known as Dracul: in rumanian language this word means at the same time dragon and devil.
The second was the result of Vlad cruelty against Turkish and other enmies of his:he used to impale them in lots of way always new, and he enjoyed watching them suffer and died

Lorenzo Bettazzi

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