Sunday, 14 December 2008

Vlad III

Vlad III was the monarch of Wallachia, near Transilvania, in the 15th century (his kingdom continued from 1431 or 1432 to 1476). Son of Vlad II appointed under the "Order of the dragon" from which derives his son's designation "Draculea": the dragon's son (the term "Drac" means olso daemon).Vlad III became "the daemon's son" and probably that was the base of the legend linked with this macabre figure.He was known olso as "Vlade tepes" becouse of his strange and horrible way to torture enemies, learned during the Turkish prison. The monarch used to punish his victim by impaling them on stakesin two different ways: or using a pointed stake to pierce victim's abdomen; or using a stond stake that slide slowly into victim's buttoks. In this way he
Vlad III used olso different ways to impaling his enemies related to their blames (thieves, Ambassadors, warriors etc) and moreover he liked have dinner in the middle of the forks in which were impaled the victims or show them publicly.Olso about Vlad III's death there are some charming and ambiguous misteries couse we don't know perfectly the sort of his body and some recently archeological research discovered in the Vlad's tomb only horse's bones.

Matteo Ricottini

1 comment:

_MATTE__RAIKO_ said...

i'm Matteo Ricottini.